
From the treasure of Hugo d’Oignies to Art Nouveau, the King Baudouin Foundation’s collection is travelling not just around Belgium but abroad too!

As part of 'Art Nouveau Brussels 2023', the King Baudouin Foundation is exhibiting Art Nouveau works from its collection at the BELvue museum. Behind each of these exceptional objects is a special story. 

Come visit the King Baudouin Foundation's stand at the BRAFA Art Fair, from 29 January to 5 February 2023, and discover recently acquired, Belgian masterpieces by Maeterlinck, Spilliaert, Memling and Alechinsky, as well as exceptional Art Nouveau pieces by Wolfers and Hankar.

Twenty-six Inuit stone sculptures from the Baker Lake region in Canada can now be admired at the Centre d’Interprétation de la Pierre in Sprimont. This formerly private collection of sculptures was donated to the King Baudouin Foundation to ensure their safeguard for future generations.


Don't miss the King Baudouin Foundation's stand at BRAFA, from 19 to 26 June (Brussels Expo, Heysel). Come and immerse yourself in culture, take some time out to enjoy our impressive Belgian heritage, discover our recent acquisitions or attend a fascinating Brafa Art Talk at our stand.
