Retired actors in difficulties receive financial help

9th of December 2014

The aim of the Norma Joossens Fund is to help actors and actresses who have reached the official retirement age but lack sufficient financial means to assure their livelihood. The Fund has just provided support for two initiatives to help them.

The Union des Artistes du Spectacle (UAS) goes to great lengths to strengthen ties between numerous artists from the world of entertainment and provides them with financial, legal and moral support. The Norma Joossens Fund has made a donation of 15,000 euros to help the UAS to continue its social work among elderly actors and actresses in need who, despite a lifetime devoted to art, do not receive a decent pension.

Thanks partly to financial support of 10,000 euros from the Norma Joossens Fund, the « Acteurspenning » project offers help to those who find themselves momentarily in difficulties. The project is particularly destined to help retired actors and actresses who need urgent financial help, whether for medical care or to help with basic needs.

An expert from the social sector has now joined the Management Committee of the Norma Joossens Fund. Familiar with issues relating to poverty, Johan Martens, Member of the Board of the asbl Welzijnszorg, is the new President of the fund. He has also been actively involved in the field of community work in Brussels.