
Two children’s rattles from Michel Wittock’s collection occupy the place of honour in the new exhibition  Renaissance Children at the Hof van Busleyden Museum.

After more than 40 years, the Heritage Fund is saying goodbye to its director, Dominique Allard. He is handing over the torch, with great confidence, to Jérémie Leroy. We are extremely grateful to Dominique for the many years of devoted service that he has given to protecting our cultural heritage.

To mark the special event of « BRAFA in the galleries », the King Baudouin Foundation has brought together some of the people who work to save our heritage. Discover their contributions in a special video.

The City of Ghent’s museum (the STAM) re-opened its doors in December 2000, after renovation. Three works, restored thanks to support from Funds managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, illustrate the history of Ghent.

The Philippe de Dorlodot Collection, donated to the King Baudouin Foundation, has been entrusted to the Moretus Plaintin University Library in Namur. The collection consists of over 600 works printed in the 16th century by the famous Renaissance typographer Christophe Plantin.
