
Since 19 October, the De Ganay manuscript - one of the four copies made of the notebook containing Rubens’s theoretical notes - has been the centrepiece of a special exhibition organized by the Rubens House. The manuscript acquired by the King Baudouin Foundation in 2012, has been entrusted to the Rubens House.

Four of the five « word paintings » from the series entitled Le Radeau de la Méduse, jointly created by Hugo Claus and Serge Vandercam, are on show until January 5 2014 as part of the exhibition “Hugo Claus. Omdat ik geen beeld ben” at the Mu.ZEE in Ostend. A large part of Hugo Claus’s pictorial works are assembled in this exhibition.

The commemorative silver pipe recently acquired by the Léon Courtin-Marcelle Bouché Fund is currently part of the exhibition "Gedreven door talent. 350 jaar edelsmeedkunst en Academie", at the Sterckshof Silver Museum in Deurne until 26 January 2014.

Don’t miss the last few days of our exhibition, which is on until 11 November. During the closing weekend, the BELvue Museum will be bathed in the atmosphere of Africa: enjoy insects for tea, hear the story of Stanley’s diary or to have your photo taken with Dr Livingstone!

During the Royal Visit to Namur on October 2, the King and Queen visited the Treasure of Oignies.
