Funds and projects

KBC Brussels and the asbl Archi Human have come together to sustainably reintegrate homeless people in homes that have a high architectural and environmental value. A philanthropic venture managed by the King Baudouin Foundation.

The history of computing is now accessible to everyone, thanks to the efforts of 4 collectors. A new space devoted to computers and computing opened in Namur on 27th October, 2016.

Thanks to financial support from the Fund Abbé Manoël de la Serna, conservation treatment can be started in the coming months on Jacob van Maerlant’s « Rijmbijbel », the oldest illuminated manuscript in the Dutch language.

Improvement grant for young Belgian artisans in the cultural heritage profession.
Candidates must submit their application by 29 August 2016.

The planned Corpus Rubenianum publishing project is advancing well. A special edition of the Rubenianum Quarterly reports on the state of progress of the project initiated by the Rubenianum Fund.
