Recent acquisitions

19th of March 2018

During the last few months the Heritage Fund and various philanthropic Funds have been able to acquire the following works and documents:

  • The Triomphe de Cléopâtre (Triumph of Cleopatra), a Brussels tapestry made in the workshop of Jean Le Clerc and Daniel Eggermans, based on cartoons by Charles Poerson.
  • A coffee pot in Dinant silver dating from the 18th century. This piece of silverwork is very special because it comes from the Abbey Notre-Dame de Leffe and is the only known work to bear the abbey’s coat of arms.
  • A batch of correspondence between Georges Simenon and Raymond Ziza. A precious and unpublished source of information on the life and work of the creator of Commissaire Maigret.
  • A rare ensemble of four large silver toiletry boxes.
  • 7 pieces of artist jewellery from the mythical collection of Nelly Van den Abbeele. An example of Belgian post-World War II Belgian craftsmanship.
  • Le Christ en croix apparaissant à sainte Begge by Joannes Claudius de Cock, 1707. This drawing teaches us more about the genesis of the altarpiece in the Church of the Beguinage in Lier and about the competition between artists to secure the commission.
  • The Portrait d'Isabelle Depestre, comtesse de Seneffe by Antoine Vestier. This work has been entrusted to the Château de Seneffe, where the Countess spent a large part of her life.
  • An interesting bassoon dating from the early 19th century, made by Jean Arnold Antoine Tuerlinckx in his workshop in Mechelen.
  • La visite à la tombe de Rubens dans l’église Saint-Jacques à Anvers: an iconic painting by the Antwerp artist Philippe-Jacques van Brée (1786 - 1871).