
This second part focuses on the cultural sector itself and will take place in Antwerp on 11 October 2016 (13h30 to 16h). You can sign up to the event as of now!

Improvement grant for young Belgian artisans in the cultural heritage profession.
Candidates must submit their application by 29 August 2016.

The planned Corpus Rubenianum publishing project is advancing well. A special edition of the Rubenianum Quarterly reports on the state of progress of the project initiated by the Rubenianum Fund.

Some 140 unpublished letters written by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949) have been acquired by the Abbé Manoël de la Serna Fund. The letters provide us with fresh insight into the life of the famous writer.

The Heritage Fund is participating in the 'Erfgoeddoel' campaign. Twenty-seven museums, archival centres and heritage libraries have come together to conduct a campaign designed to raise awareness about all types of philanthropy in the field of heritage. Find out more about how to support our activities or some other heritage project.
