
The Private Art Support Foundation is presenting a retrospective of the work of Jan Yoors that it recently acquired. ‘Jan Yoors, Photography 1934-1975: a selective overview’ is hosted by the Delen Private Bank, one of the PASFoundation’s new corporate partners.

The King Baudouin Foundation has recently acquired Gigi and Bertie Urvater’s Liber amoricum. The album brings together contributions from artists such as Magritte, Appel, Miró and Delvaux and provides a mine of information for in-depth research on art collectors in Europe.

Liege manuscripts and a bust of Anne-Josèphe Théroigne, one of the rare female figureheads of the French Revolution, have enriched the collections of the city of Liege thanks to patronage funds.

Anne-Josèphe Théroigne de Méricourt, nicknamed La belle Liégeoise (the Beauty from Liege), was one of the rare female figureheads in the French Revolution. The sculptor Charles Marin immortalised her in a bust in 1792, which has been acquired by the Raphaël and Françoise Haeven Fund.

Two silver candlesticks, made by Jean-François Bodson and particularly representative of the silverware made in the Namur region at the beginning of the 18th century, have been acquired by the Pierre François Tilmon Fund. They have been entrusted to the collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Namur, at the Hôtel de Groesbeeck-de Croix.
