
2015 - € 7 Illustrated publication: a unique collection of Egyptian fabrics from Late Antiquity, donated to the Foundation

2015 - free This brochure sets out to show how, through the initiatives of various patrons, the King Baudouin Foundation implements philanthropic projects designed to protect and preserve our natural heritage and cultural sites. It explains how the Foundation can help you to realise your own particular philanthropic project.


2015 - Free Private collectors talk about their passion for collecting. Other actors discuss the historic role played by private collectors in creating our public collections and the various forms of collaboration between public institutions and private collectors with a view to perpetuating our national heritage and ensuring its accessibility.

2014 - € 5 What was day-to-day life like on the Amerois Estate, the holiday home of the Counts of Flanders? The Chronique des Amerois, the journal kept year after year from the summer of 1894 by Princess Henriette, niece of Leopold II, sheds some light on events. Apart from Henriette’s personal notes and drawings, the chronicle also contains contributions from other members of the royal family and its guests, with amusing anecdotes and experiences, fun little poems and even literary exercises, all of which serve to bring the period to life.

2014 - € 8 - (sold out) Edited by the Heritage Fund to mark the occasion of François Schuiten’s donation, this book takes the visitor on a journey of discovery of the universes created by François Schuiten. Benoît Peeters evokes the "Cités obscures" and Thierry Bellefroid talks about François Schuiten’s work as a young man. Tristan Garcia casts a more philosophical look at his work.
