
2013 - € 5 (sold out)
A beautifully illustrated book about the sculpture and its history! This book highlights the Heritage Fund’s acquisition of La Charité, one Belgian heritage’s emblematic Baroque sculptures, created by Jan Van Delen for the Saint Ursule Chapel. Purchased in London, the work has returned to Belgium after an absence of two centuries.

2013 - € 5
Namur Cathedral’s treasure not only bears witness to the piety of the greatest and the most humble people, but also entrusts us with an inestimable heritage. The Pierre François Tilmon Fund has as its objective to promote the heritage of Namur’s museums. In producing this publication,, the fund invites us to (re-)discover the heritage of the Cathedral’s treasure, and in particular those works that have been listed by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

2013 - € 5 In 1869, Europe had lost all trace of David Livingstone, the Scottish doctor and missionary. Livingstone’s explorations on the African continent made him one of the most celebrated figures in the scientific world, notably revealing to Europe the existence of the Victoria Falls and mapping out the course of the Zambezi River. The American journalist Henry M Stanley was commissioned to find Livingstone. He undertook a large-scale expedition as far as Lake Tanganyika, with the firm intention of returning to Europe with both Livingstone and a multitude of discoveries.

2013 - € 4 An illustrated publication covering a prestigious collection of Brussels and European ceramic tableware. The French and Dutch editions contain a summary in English.

2012 - € 7 Four important historic dinners set in their original context. Discover the refinement of special occasion dinners between 1875 et 1958.
